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Flow Control Statement

  Flow Control Statement  Flow control statements in Java are those statements that change the flow of execution and provide better control to the programmer on the flow of execution in the program. There are three main types of flow of execution (control) that occur in any computer programming.  They are: 1. Sequence 2. Selection or Conditional 3. Iteration or loop 1. Sequence If we want to execute Multiple statement one after another (Sequencially) then we can use concept of Sequence . 2. Selection or Conditional If we want to execute our program base on some condition then we can use concept of Selection or Conditional Statement. This is condition generates the result as either true or false. i.e.  if, if-else, else-if ladder, and switch this are Conditonal statement. 3. Iteration or loop If we want to execute one or more statement  repetally then we can use Concept od Iteration or Loops. i.e. for loop, while loop, do-while loop and for Each this are Loops in...

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