Package in Java


Package in java

A package is nothing but a physical folder structure (directories) that contains a group of related classes, interfaces, and sub-packages according to their functionality.

- Using package keyword user can create user-defined package.

For example:

package myPackage;

public class A {

      // class body


Advantage of using packages in Java

1. Maintenance: Java packages are used for proper maintenance. 

2. Reusability: We can place the common code in a common folder so that everybody can check that folder and use it whenever needed.

3. Name conflict: Packages help to resolve the naming conflict between the two classes with the same name.

4. Organized: It also helps in organizing the files within our project.

5. Access Protection: A package provides access protection

Types of packages

Packages can be categorized in two types :

1. User defined packages

2. Built-in packages

1. User-defined Package

The package which is defined by the user is called a User-defined package. It contains user-defined classes and interfaces.

Creating of Package .



 package mypack;

 class Test {



2. Predefined Packages  (Built-in Packages)

Predefined packages in java are those which are developed by Sun Microsystem or Java. They are also called built-in packages in java.

Ex : Java.lang: he Java language package consists of java classes and interfaces that form the core of the Java language and the JVM. It is a fundamental package that is useful for writing and executing all Java programs.

compilation  package in Java


To Compile the application:  javac -d directory javafilename

1. Here, javac means java compiler.

2. -d means directory. It creates the folder structure.

3. .(dot) means the current directory. It places the folder structure in the current working directory.

For example: javac -d. // Here, is the file name.

How to Run package in Java


java completePackageName.className

Importing packages in Java

There are three approaches to import one package into another package in Java.

1. import package.*;

2. import package.classname;

3. Using fully qualified name.


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